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Theory about "why games were better before/ nowadays gaming sucks"

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Theory about "why games were better before/ nowadays gaming sucks" Empty Theory about "why games were better before/ nowadays gaming sucks"

Post by Lynn Sun 11 Feb - 6:11

If you type on youtube or google, games were better before etc.. you'll find many results.

Gaming industries make game that are constantly updated so that you can't play with your friends if you don't have the last version of their game file and they can suck more of your money when they want to sell you something new
because if you buy a one time purchase gamefile and you own it + most of the people who have this game have the same version of this gamefile + it's a perfect game and you don't need anything else = then the gaming industry doesn't make
a good business with easy money and can't suck your pockets.

The type of gamers suffering the most in the find of the perfect game for them are the competitive players seeking for strategy.
When meta and therefore pre-arrangement often changes, the players being active on the game for a much longer period of time are even more advantaged because doing the math on the core meta with constant patch notes of the core stats can take many years instead of maybe an average of 1 year for a game with a stable and balanced meta (balanced in term of data saturation as well) but also meta that are about the studying of average statistics start to emerge as a more valuable strategy compared to strategizing on the core meta.
The studying of average statistics is made by looking at top players and top level wins in order to copy their gameplay and get a better competitive result than if you were strategizing about the core meta.
In comparison, if you want to be competitive in a game with a stable meta, you could technically still copy the best player but since you have the time and therefore the possibility to catch up, you can then try to bring your own strategies and eventually beat the top level player to be placed on the true rank you should stand at for your strategizing feats.
This is why constant patch notes in a game that aren't truly meant to improve the meta but more to fake an active state of the balance are destroying the value of competitive games, changing it into games that reward casual thinking over deep reflection.
This is also why Age of empires 1 and its 16 civilizations with a stable meta proven to be very good for the competive gameplay in the right settings like mirror civilization and slowest 1.0 speed is better than an aoe2 that was already going in the wrong direction
for the competitive aspect of a game in its core meta and now is making constant patch notes of the core stats + many more civilizations available.
Conclusion: playing aoe2 where its biggest community is on aoe2 DE is a waste of time for a competitive experience, it only can be good to socialize with some chatting in the lobby of team games and such.
While aoe2 events can be entertaing, the only reason they are is because there is an active community but the core meta itself is average and the players are more rewarded on wrong qualities, also, you don't necessarily realize it but the level of
entertainment could be way better and more hype if you were seeing that most of the actions the players take have a better impact on the game and are not mostly about their stamina and autopilot kicking off during the game.
In fact the world is small and 3 to 4 active players on a dead game can even grow a community and bring new players from nowhere but all you need to start is therefore 1 or 2 faithful friends.
games such as LoL are even using rigged matchmakings (and yes it's been proven by some leakage in their official papers about their business strategy), they're using a study saying that by controlling the winrate of players, they lower the chances that they quit the game.
(many games use the same model such as most of the popular shooter games or team based games.)
As a final conclusion, the greed of money destroyed gaming and this is how today one of the most valuable game to my eyes is this damn age of empires 1 pixel art game from 1997, although a mod should be created to remove the RNG of priest's conversions but in comparison aoe2 has even RNG on most missile unit accuracy.
It also teaches how society is not improving on purpose and wants you to rot because business models are here to make sure your lifestyle is so prehistoric that you can't live without working for them or sacrifice yourself to let the good things enter their pockets.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 77
Age : 29

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