Team Custom Maps AOE
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Siege masterpiece

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Fri 4 Dec - 23:15

- Fixing n°1 prevents from rebuilding a wall with houses after a breach.
- Fixing n°2 prevents the red player in the multiplayer version to get to the academies wall before the blue player with his transport ships which could be annoying x).

- The first blue town center on the cliff is now in a better shape to use small secret strategies.
- The grey tower attacking the wonder has been replaced by a Medusa who is enemy to red blue and green but in the multiplayer the red can't use the Medusa's catapult to friendly fire the yellow docks since he loses when a grey catapult enters in this area .

Patch note of 01/28/19 :

-For the multiplayer version the brown will not attack the red anymore if the red friendly fires at him or turn enemy to him.

- The yellow now has the strategy "yamato silly cavs" and will rebuild a barrack and a stable with 600 food 600 wood and infinite gold so the red can utilize the yellow in some rare strategic situations.

- The orange will not attack his allies if he is attacked.

- In addition to the Blue versus red multiplayer version i'm gonna post the following useful versions
[Blue & Orange co-op Vs AI]
[Blue & Orange Vs Red]

Patch notes of 02/07/19 :

The orange could actuallly take the archery range from the blue and make chariot archers which was way too strong and would kill the main strategy of the defense but since it was an interesting co-op synergy to make this choice the orange still can take the archery range but is now Choson which is a big nerf for his stable units with a slighly increased power on his infantry in addition to the fact the barrack isnt block by wood anymore and he has a heavy cavalry archer as hero.
[Blue & Orange Vs Red & Teal]
- In addition to the custom AI file the yellow needed to have all buildings but barrack and stable prohibited so he can build directly a barrack and a stable in the case he owns a villager.

02/10/19: Victory condition repaired, blue and orange now both win by destroying the temple.

The Solo and the co-op have been updated to 1b:

-Instead of protecting a government center you now have to protect a wonder which makes the AI focus it,you still have a government center.

-The 8 brown heavy catapults have been replaced by 11 catapults.

-The scenario instruction is fixed and forbbiden technologies are written.

The solo and the co-op have been updated to 1c, the other versions will follow soon.

-Some terrains textures have been improved and reworked : The middle-map battlefield isn't awful looking anymore, the west part of the battlefield is only shallows,the fishes moved from the center to the east of the battlefield.
A river full of fishes is now passing in the middle of the Shang village in front of the green barracks so the barrack units can't be blocked and defend their village properly.

- 2 Elephant archers have been added to the 2nd brown wave.

- 2 green mirror towers have been added at the green wall to prevent the priests and helepolis from getting sniped, thus green is now ally with orange in the non co-op versions to let the yellow priests some chances to convert a villager passing by.

-A line of green fortification has been added with 2 red towers in the inner Shang village East. 2 Shang town centers have been moved a bit more towards East in order to prevent AIs to cut the wood and let you an open road to the temple, you now can reflect more about going along the middle shallows river or passing by the fortified village.

-The north outpost counts -2 fire galley and -2 transport ship.


-The blue wall is a bit different and prevents from choping trees around ( thus if you want to make a hole in your wall you can't enclose it back with a house.)

- 1v1 and 2v1 versions are updated.


- 2v2 has been updated.

06/13/19 : 1v1 only

- Fixing : Red can no longer steal the town center or transports ship of the blue's north east outpost.

- Glitch fix in all versions : Added a cliff behind the wonder to prevent blue's villagers to chop trees without pit storage or town center and enter the village without trigerring the siege.

- Glitch fix in versions with a red player : replaced the boats and town center of the north outpost to prevent red from taking it with engineering stone thrower.

- Gameplay fixing in all versions with an orange player : Orange can build farms but has no market to tribute or upgrade, orange has +2 gold mines.


- Fixing mutliplayer versions : Orange and teal couldnt go to bronze age since the market has been removed recently, an archery range has been placed somewhere blocked on the map, so they can both go to bronze age.

- In 2v2 version the green blind and lame priest has been replaced by a yellow one to make it easier !

07/15/19 v1d

- In 2v2 version,Teal now has a government center and medusa is enemy.

07/17/19 v1d2

- In all versions with a red player, red is now Babilonian, his 2 chariots have been replaced by 2 camels.
If 22 red's villagers die blue is victorious (to balance the red's overpowered jihad villagers).
If 22 red's chariots die blue is victorious.
If 22 scythe charitos die blue is victorious.

- The 3 red's towers at green wall have been replaced by 2 green towers to prevent red from deleting the towers and disturb the blue's landing.

- 30 Broad swords and 1 catapult have been removed from the brown 2nd wave since they often were blocking each other movement.

07/20/19 v1e

All versions but Co-op and Solo have been updated to version 1e.

-The red's temple has been replaced by a red archery range to take out the jihad villagers and legions from red, thus Red doesnt lose anymore if he loses 22 villagers. (The trigger for 22 villagers wasn't working anyway since apparently microdoft games didn't set villagers killed trigger for more than 1 villager so 22 was glitched).

-Red now has to kill Mor havoc instead of converting him, which also means that Blue can't make Red lose by killing Mor Havoc.

-The town center in the blue's outpost has been replaced 1 tile away from gold mines since red doesnt have engineering stone throwers anymore.

- There's now a hole in the inner green's great wall with water leading to the Shang's village river which means Blue can move his transport ship in the Shang river, it also prevents Red from building houses, disturbing the landing of Blue.

-In the 2v2 version Teal now has to trade with a red dock instead of a green one, apparently having teal trading with green was glitching green and he was sending all his resources to useless bots for no reason thus making no village, it's now fixed.

07/26/19 v1f3

- A waterfall has been added behind the blue's wonder flowing in a small lake next to the blue's lame priest, there's a light transport and a fish on the lake. Thus blue is gonna have a card in hand in case red wants to harass-snipe his lame priest.
It's been added in the 1v1 version only, all other version will be updated later.

- Finally all the versions have been updated to the last version 1f3.

- In the 2v2 version, Teal has Jason as Hero (all players now have their respective hero, Elephant archer for Red,Caesar for Blue,Heavy horse archer for Orange and Jason for Teal).


All mutiplayer version with a red player have been updated to version 1g :

- Red doesnt need to kill Mor havoc anymore and mor havoc has been replaced by a yellow medusa.

- Yellow is now Minoan Iron high with 1 stone,500 food,0 wood and infinite gold.

- Helepolis and priests have been removed from the shang's wall and replaced by yellow composite archers.

- There's now a yellow villager enclosed by grey walls on the brown battlefield.

- To nerf the red's overpowered scythe rush, Blue is now victorious if 11 red's scythe are killed.


- In the 2v2 version, the teal priest you have to move to the yellow house (victory condition) to prevent teal from attacking green has been removed and replaced by a teal house, if Teal attacks green he's gonna lose his house and both team will lose but team Blue & Orange is victorious.


- All versions have been updated to v1h :

-The grey medusa has been removed and replaced by a tower, a grey government center has been placed.
The grey slot can now be used to spectate by upgrading writing or clicking the resign button.


-All versions have been updated to v1i :

- Grey spectator was glitching win condition, also to prevent grey to upgrade architecture he now has only gold and food to upgrade writting.

- In the 2v2 version its now preset victory in alliance for both red and teal but It's written in the scenario description that after destroying the blue's wonder they must enemie players 3,4 and 6.

- Blue's stone throwers were able to reach the red's barracks from the orange's village, 1 line of cliff has been added to prevent it.

10/04/19 v1i2 (all versions)

- Apparently the preplaced green's pit storage was sometimes bugging green since it was too far from its town centers. To help green, the pit storage is now closer and some pine trees have been added to the design of the shang's village.

11/04/19 v1j (All versions)

- Brown now has max resources to prevent shangs to tribute him.

- A fish has been added at the red's river landing area, both team can contest it.

- The yellow villager is now entirely enclosed by walls you can't release it cutting trees anymore.

- Green and teal town center have been switched : green will favorise wood line and teal will block red less.

All versions with a red player :
- The grey spectator was stealing the neutral transport ships from red, Red now has only 1 heavy transport ship but +1 fire galley and +1 house.
- The fish and the grey dock on the river have been removed and replaced by 3 grey fortifications and 1 blue Elephant archerstuck there with +1 grey fortification; thus Red now has to kill the elephants and 3 fortification to land on the battlefield (approximatly 9 min).

12/04/19 v1k

- The scenario title is now Siege.
- In all version with a non AI orange, the grey dock has been replaced by an orange one so he can trade with the blue dock.

Last edited by Lynn on Tue 17 Aug - 9:32; edited 2 times in total

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Thu 20 May - 23:27

05/20/21 v1L for all versions

- The map is now called Siege masterpiece.
- All area's design have been improved & reworked with accuracy.
- Orange and Yellow colors have been switched, Green and Teal colors have been switched.
- Red now starts the game with 299 stone.
- Glitch fixing: Red now discovers small walls around the orange tower treatening the archery range, if a small wall is destroyed Red loses the game which prevents Red from using heavy catapults in some strategy that could reach the tower with their Aoe.
- The orange tower treatening the Red archery range can't be destroyed by the archery range units anymore since the walls surrounding the spawning units have been replaced by lame priests, Armored elephant & Hero.
- -2 Camels for Red but +1 Lame priest on an island & +1 Elephant archer stuck by a berry both at Red northern outpost.
- +1 gold mine on the Red northern outpost.
- Glitch fixing: Villagers can't go where they aren't supposed to go by passing on the edge of the map anymore since water tiles have been added on the edge of some cliffs.
- Green,Teal & Red AI improved. ( More towers,green: 20 +2/+2 clubmen, Red now going to iron age and making Long swordsmen)
- Red chariots to kill in order to make red lose : 21 instead of 22 / Red scythe chariots to kill in order to make red lose : 8 instead of 11.
- All the mirror towers are now brown and brown has 150 stone to repair.
- Green now has infinite stone instead of 3333.
- +3 Brown elephant archers in the 2nd brown wave.
- Brown will now upgrade +2 armor on infantry, +4 armor on archers and Alchemy gradually.
- +1 Red watch tower at Inner village shang fortifications.
- The Blue's wonder lake is now protected against melee units to follow the transport by adding fortifications.
- Red team forests reworked to give more wood than the Blue forests in order to stick with the important balance meta : "The more the game drags the more Red gains power".
- Orange doesn't build a barracks and a slinger anymore but 8 cavalries and 1 Long swordsmen ( the orange barracks is located on a new puzzle in the Blue areas).
- A new puzzle has been added on the blue side going from the Blue's fishing lake towards north where a conversion chamber puzzle has replaced the secret path that was leading to some gazelles.
- The blue secret path is now smaller and leads to +1 Gold mine.
- Blue can now choose his civilization between Greek & Egyptian.
- In the versions with a real Yellow player, Yellow can now choose his civilization between Palmyran, Minoan & Shang.
- The red team now wins if 1 Yellow composite archer is killed or if 11 Blue composite archers are killed.
- AI will not send food to Orange anymore since their market is destroyed when the game starts but will still make farms.
- +10 Red tame lions have been added in the Orange villager cage.
- The red starting area has -3 lions & -1 elephant but a bunch of gazelles have been added around the tc.
___ Many hours of work over 6 months, Enjoy !))

05/21/21 v1L2 for all versions:

- Fixing: Brown elephant archers now properly get +4 armor gradually.

v1L3 for 1v1 & Solo only:

- Fixing: Added the 2 yellow watch tower in front of the wonder.

Last edited by Lynn on Fri 28 May - 18:30; edited 1 time in total

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Sat 22 May - 1:11

05/22/21 v1L5 for all versions :

- Brown chariot archer that was attacking wrongly the barracks replaced by a watch tower.
- -3 Clubmen at the Blue TC.
- destroy the archery range objective fixed.
- Red options in all versions fixed.

Now 100% playtested and playable, Enjoy cheers

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Wed 26 May - 15:39

05/26/21 v1L7 for all versions :

- To make the cliff TC strategy authentic & interesting a orange Medusa is now attacking the TC with the brown clubman. +1 house for the orange pop.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Wed 26 May - 18:11

26/05/21 v1L8 for all versions:

- fixed Medusa not attacking the Tc.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Fri 4 Jun - 19:48

04/06/21 v1M for all versions :

- The color of brown lame priests have been switched to orange since it was possible to lure brown war elephants to aoe orange on the battlefield, thus orange would've attacked the brown priests at the conversion chamber.
- +3 houses for orange.
- Blue can now choose 2 additional civilizations :
*Sumerian : if sumerian is chosen you have to set brown persian and orange yamato
*Macedonian : Macedonian can't access the conversion chamber and the new stone thrower but has a market at north.
- Blue can now access a stone thrower at west but you have to chop a lot of wood.
- If blue is Egyptian, he can access an additional chariot archer.
- Yellow can now choose an additional civilization : Choson. If so Choson can access a Legion hero at west.
- In versions with a red player, the brown mirror towers at north have been switched to gaia ones discovered by red.
- Red walls are now fully prohibited since Red can't build granaries anymore but can still research watch towers and build markets since a red granary is being attacked and later destroyed at east.
- Grey spectators can now watch every players since the grey fortification that Red needs to attack are now Yellow.
- Yellow starts with -2 villagers.
- In versions with a Yellow player, The main village will be discovered by Blue on the 2:30 mark average to prevent abusive strategies where Blue is waiting Yellow to grow a bit.
- The Medusa at the cliff town center has been replaced by a brown balista tower.
- Red has +1 stone mine in his main village and +6 at his north outpost.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Mon 7 Jun - 17:29

06/07/21 v1N for all versions:

- Macedonian debuff fixing: A clubman is now attacking behind the market as well condemning the market to go down even if macedonian is picked but macedonian will have extra time to make upgrade up to some bronze upgrade combo possibilities.

- Macedonian now instantly trigger the siege as the game starts.

- +2 villagers stuck on cliff tc in order to prevent too early agression on starting villagers coming from the brown balista tower.

- Overlapping animals : the king crocodile attacking the stone thrower has been replaced by a short swordsman; the 3 lion kings attacking the Yellow legion have been replaced by a king crocodile and a king elephant as elephant don't overlap.

- oversight fixing: green market in 2v2 properly removed, orange enemy to yellow properly fixed, yellow government center properly replaced.

- Yellow Ai now keeps the cav archer Hero.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Sun 20 Jun - 6:12

06/20/21 v1N3 for all version:

- Fixed gaia tower range on yellow market.
- Properly switched red government center to teal in real red player versions.
- Improved yellow Legion trigger in real yellow player versions.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Mon 21 Jun - 2:23

06/21/21 v1N4 for all version:

- In versions with a real yellow player, yellow now starts with only 1 villager and the yellow market goes down faster to prevent early tributes from palmyrans to Blue.

- Cvilization in scenario description fixed.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Tue 22 Jun - 6:19

06/22/21 v1O for all versions:

- Yellow towers in non real yellow player versions fixed.
- Small change on shangs AI file to try improving the game stability in term of pc latency.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Mon 13 Sep - 3:59

09/13/21 v1O2 for all versions:

- +5 Teal house to fix the Teal archers not spawning on blue dock area.
- Blue can now choose the Persian civilization, if so, Brown has to be Persian and Orange Yamato.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Mon 6 Dec - 15:37

12/06/21 v1O3 for Solo and 1v1 only:

- Yellow cavalry archer removed.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Fri 20 Jan - 15:43

01/20/23: v1P2 for all versions (50 hours)
Ais fixed: - Teal now gets architecture early that also holds the wonder a bit longer, his archers attack the blue dock earlier.
          - Red Ai properly makes long swordsmen and the tile where an unit could spawn in the wood at north barracks is fixed.
          - Orange now recreates up to 4 balista instead of cavalries which also fixes the tribute intererring between red and blue since orange will have infinite gold, thus blue can send food to get longswordsmen and red wood for balista.
          - Brown towers at west teal wall replaced by orange ones since blue could make orange attack brown by fighting an elephant next to orange docks.

- Replaced the stone thrower in front of the siege workshop at the blue's north east outpost by an helepolis.
- The red stable is now closer to the towers that are punishing red from atking his allies which gives him a bit more time against the orange but the Teal sentry tower has been replaced by a guard tower which pushes red to use twice more as gold to survive this strategy.
- +1 red Catapult trireme on the river of Shang village.
- +1 neutral heavy transport on the river of Shang village.
- +1 Orange stone thrower behind the 2 orange docks and +2 villagers who can repair the docks.
- Orange now upgrades engineering and alchemy with his starting resources.
- Replaced the 2 archeries on the cliff at north east since yellow could delete his archery to allow blue to spawn an archer discovering the macedonian market without being macedonian.
- Blue can choose among up to 4 more civilizations (these new civilizations lose the archery range when the game starts).
- +1 Blue Legion for Choson in the Blue city with possibility to save it as Macedonian.
- Replaced animal timers for Legions by towers which fixes unstable outcomes.
- The tower timing attacking the brown house next to the wonder have been fixed and you now need to hurry on your way to the city.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Sat 25 Feb - 2:07

02/25/23: v1P4 for all versions with a yellow player

- Fixed yellow by removing its market and flags that weren't supposed to be here.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Tue 28 Feb - 1:34

02/28/23: v1P5 for all version

- In version with non Red player replaced the Teal government center by a red one so red can go iron for long swords.
- Brown now properly creates a slinger when it arrives at 49 pop.
- 2 special trees at blue lake replaced by normal trees since deleting the transport at the wrong area would sometimes
stuck the relic there and would be frustrating.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Wed 1 Mar - 9:05

03/01/23: v1Q for all versions

- Red's stone mine replaced in front of blue wall, red starting with 50 stone. This will prevent medium wall from being upgraded. It will be possible to contest the stone mine and opens more strategies for blue as well as giving a little boost to slinger civilizations.

- Fixed +1 house for red and +1 villager in front of his pit storage.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Tue 7 Mar - 1:26

03/07/23: v1R for all versions

- The red temple discovered in the iron age is now a granary so red can now upgrade some more powerful towers or walls and even use fake medium walls agressively.

- Pathfinding setting is now high.

- Orange units around the red archery range have been reworked, attacking orange is still a certain death that gives you around 10 min, when forcing it, there's now enough space to fit a foot unit in addition to a mounted unit at red archery range's tile

- The neutral siege workshop at blue's northern outpost is here again with +1 neutral stone thrower in front of it, therefore, red can use it properly again in hidden rush strats and for the rock mission.

- Red now starts with 10 stone instead of 50.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Wed 22 Mar - 20:07

03/22/23: v1S for all versions

- Replaced the brown short swordsmen next to the neutral stone thrower by a clubman to open more strategies.
- Replaced the blue scout that was discovering the neutral stone thrower as macedonian by a villager and removed the king lion.
- Repositioned the 5 brown houses that were attacked by the neutral towerat red's granary puzzle.
- Fixed the grey elephant not attacking market because of the new berries.
- In version with a non real green player, the small wall win condition is now on player the orange player so when grey spectates and leaves it causes no problem.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Wed 10 May - 0:09

05/10/23: v1S2 for all versions
- Fixed: sometimes the orange stone thrower wouldn't attack the blue guard tower.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Sun 21 May - 23:19

v1S3 for all versions with real yellow player:
- OOPS forgot to add the yellow heavy cavalry archer and to write the 4 civs he could pick.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Wed 9 Aug - 10:14

08/09/23: v1T for all versions
- Fixed the orange armored elephant where you could save the archery range even when it was carthaginian, it's now stuck inside the archery so it attacks the archery if the tower is deleted, you can still delete the tower in exchange for the armored elephant to be converted which is a deserved buff for the slinger civs that were a bit struggling.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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           Siege masterpiece      Empty Re: Siege masterpiece

Post by Lynn Mon 1 Jan - 3:25

01/01/23: v1T2 for all versions

- Fixed the rare case where the teal archers spawning to attack the blue dock would spawn out of non range upgraded war galley even when war galley is glitched next to the dock, thus players can be sure to use safely strategies where they skip woodworking.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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