Team Custom Maps AOE
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Projects under construction

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Projects under construction Empty Projects under construction

Post by Lynn Thu 22 Jul - 14:21

Projects under construction QW2Nn7x

Pending :

- Rappelz (slow progression):
* Rework loots R1  Projects under construction 2714
* Rework loots R2 Projects under construction 2714
* Video showcasing Cleric R1 & 2

- Personality text for the 55 different Titles, 50 hours, progression: 48/55

- Sorting of all MTG editions to create a custom draft list, estimated time: 300 hours, minimum basic cards: 500, progression: 40/697 edition Basic cards: 507/500 Rare cards: 248 (next:Weatherlight)

Project recently finished with success :

- Creation of 4 custom MTG categories to implement in the custom draft of Hill&m
+ Rework of the 64 category cards for a better quality and design with lighter file size for LackeyCCG and a review of the overall balance. (200 hours)
- Siege for all versions: big rework and gameplay addition (100 hours).
- Fresh lands 1v1 version 1L: Gameplay addition (30 hours).
- Create [The Last Tear of Cleopatra, A Palmyran Tale] campaign in 6 Acts. (50 hours)
- Rework of the 36 old avatar cards for a better quality and design with lighter file size for LackeyCCG and a review of the overall balance. (100 hours)
- 55 Avatar pictures Lv.1 (50 hours)
- Creation of custom MTG cards to add in the custom draft for each of the 55 Lv.1 title (100 hours)

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 76
Age : 29

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