Team Custom Maps AOE
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G: Tournament format : Hill & Magic

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G: Tournament format : Hill & Magic Empty G: Tournament format : Hill & Magic

Post by Lynn Wed 30 Jun - 4:36

This format is a special format for the players of AoE & Magic the gathering card game (1v1 or 2v2 only).
The idea is that, map randomness on hill hardly can slice to get a real winner, most of the time there could be a gap of 5-10 unlucky games (such as 3:7, then on 10 next games 9:11, 10 next 17:12 etc) that could be tied back in score by players, to avoid playing hundreds of games to determine a real winner which would be too long and weird I made this fun mod for people playing both AoE and Magic ! Basketball

- First, the players play a total of 3x4 Hills with the following settings :
* Map size : Medium (1v1) Large (2v2)
* Victory : Conquest
* Starting age : Default
* Resources : Default
* Fixed position : Yes
* All techs : NO
* Reveal map : Yes
* Pop : 200
* Difficulty: Easiest (to lower the random impact of lions)
* The civilization is random mirror ( the same for both players) determined by the random civilization of a third bot to remove afterwards (2 bots in 2v2). In 2v2, a team must play the 2 of those different civilizations which are the same for the other team ( the team can choose who is going to play which civilization)
* In 1v1 players switch every game with red and green color ( no other color allowed, it's considered cheating ), in 2v2 , teams switch every game with yellow & red vs brown & green.
* 1 extra remake joker before your 5th villager is created when playing Persian or Palmyran Mirror (you can't attack your opponent) (only applies Hill&Magic and Royal Hill)
* Magical remake: [only available once in each Hill & Magic serie of 4 or in draft bonuses] You may call a remake in a hill&m's map set (even if the original map was different in the draft format) if you have the greatest army score and didn't kill/destroy/convert anything and if you aren't 1 age ahead or behind of your opponent, calculate the mission points of each player at the end of the game as though as you both won (mission points not added to mission reserve). Depending on the greater percentage of mission points you have compared to your opponent, you may unlock civilizations to pick for the remake-game where each of the 10 first civilizations up in your opponent's civlization rank cost 10% and each further civilization for up to 4 more cost 100% (unlock in the right order of the list while starting from the bottom with only the first civilization unlocked for free), then reveal the civilization you picked to your opponent and may he play any civilization he wishes. In magical remakes with a Sumerian civilization, no player can kill enemy units before min 8 (mandatory screen shot to show with the achievement window only). Starting from Lv.10 and every next 10.000 mission points that's at least further triggered by a level up, a player may choose his own civilization ranking and post it on his profile under his mission points,it will then be locked till the next change in the forum "Civilization ranking" , his own ranking will then be used when TCM members who are at least Lv.10 use a magical remake against him ):

3: Sumerian

- If the total score is 12/0, the player wins the tournament.
- The player making the best score on a 4 games series gains a tournament point.
- If the score of one series of 4 is tied at 2/2 the player having the most mission points in this series gains a tournament point.

- Mission points made in Hill&Magic are 100% efficient and you may use tournament points to choose a bonus*(see bonuses in Specialized draft) for a Simplified draft series.

- Thus if the score is not 12/0 the tournament continues with a draft of Magic cards.
- If the draft extension is played, the bonuses applied for magic come from the specialized draft.

How does the custom magic draft work :

- Open 1 Luna Big draft boosters of 14 cards and one Lunar booster of 1 rare card.
- Each card in the pull is unique like in real life and can only be used for any kind of pick once.
- Players must pick a regular 2 cards each pull unless using a pass,Mythic cards count as 2 cards (counting both as pick value and maximum number of cards value) .
- No card can be picked after the 50th card and no more pulls can be done (at 49 cards, a last pull is done where you can pick only 1 card)
- After the 20th card is picked, open your extra booster of 7 cards (depending on your amount of tournament points, you can choose to open one that is equal or lower. 0:Lunaland, 1: Lunaciv, 2: Lunanimal, 3: Lunafantasy) or 7 Lunar boosters if no AOE extensions have been played), no extra point can be used but if you choose to discard definitely 18 of your current picked cards, you may use joker, gift, pass and title points in this extra booster. (the 18 discarded cards still count in the maximum)
- Normally a 3rd person referee is needed to open the boosters save every card as a gigantic data-deck, he must show the boosters to the drafting player.

- Special land rule: Divide the number of non-basic land cards in your deck by the number of basic land cards in your deck, round the result to the nearest whole number (0.5 would be equal to 1), your starting hand is drawn as follow: shuffle your non-basic land cards as one stack of card; shuffle your basic land cards in another stack of cards. Depending on the result, you draw a certain number of card from each stack (example: 28/12= 2.3, you draw 1 basic land for each 2 non basic land cards, you proceed to draw 2 non basic land first, then you draw 1 basic land, if the 7th card happens to be 50/50 depending on the math, you don't draw a non basic land as your 7th card first, instead, you may choose to draw in the stack of your choice.) (In another example: 30/12= 2.5, you draw 3 non basic land cards, then 1 basic land card, then only 2 non basic land cards because the third would be even with the land card considering the math, therefore, you still can choose in which stack to draw your last card again.) Thus, in a situation where you have 50/12=4.1, you couldn't choose your 7th card which would be a very special strategy with only a single basic land in your starting hand). When you finished to draw your starting hand, shuffle both stack into one and start the game.
- At the beginning of a Bo21, randomize the starting player, then players start the game first alternatively.

Mulligan: 3

- Jokers : Use any number of jokers to pick that many additional card in a pull. Increases maximum card by +1 (51). (Jokers in inter-game extra boosters cost 3 Joker points.)
- Gifts : Use any number of gifts to pick that many cards in a pull that will be mandatory for your your opponent to play in his deck. The player being gifted card can choose 1 of those to remove from his deck. All gifts are mandatory and must be used before the 20th card extra booster.
- Pass : Use a pass to pick no card in a pull and open another same pull. (Passes in inter-game extra boosters cost 3 Pass points.) (the 20th extra booster passes still cost 1 pass)
- Mulligan: Muligans can't be used in this draft, instead you may use your mulligan points during the draft, for each mulligan point used, you may put a card from your hand at the bottom of its respective stack, then draw a card from this same stack.
- Title: From the title given by your tournament's mission points, you may pick an extra card in a pull that doesn't count in the maximum 50 cards, this card must either, have a similar word in the name, the same mana cost or a similar subtype ( ex: soldier, minotaur etc..)

- Download lackey CCG and copy this link available in some months in the plugin's autoupdate URL :
* 40 cards in the deck minimum.
* Add the basic lands for free.
* No sideboard maximum.

- The Magic tournament is played in a bo3 of 3 bo21 rounds, after each round, each player opens a pull of their respective extra boosters  (1 Luna draft Big booster and 1 lunar boosters if played without aoe extensions) , they can pick 1 cards and use any of their extra points. Each player may then ban 1 card from their opponent's deck, to proceed the ban, each player creates a one card deck and load a game to show it.
Each player can also remove 1 mandatory gift from their deck.


Apostate: +1 pass for every 101 points.
Rock: +1Red Joker card for every 50 points.
Rebel: +1 (2) or less converted mana cost joker card for every 24 points.
Asterix: +1 (3) or less converted mana cost creature joker card for every 50 points.
Obelix: +1 (7) or more converted mana cost creature joker card for every 100 points.
Panoramix: +1 HP on your avatar for every 10 points.
Zeus: +1 green or blue gift & +1 mandatory gift for your opponent to play in his deck for every 50 points.
Ormazd: +1 white or black gift & +1 mandatory gift for your opponent to play in his deck for every 50 points.
Architect: +1 artifact Joker card  for every 50 points.
Shepherd: +1 mulligan point for every 50 points.

Legendary: +1 Joker in the extra booster for every 500 points.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 77
Age : 29

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