Team Custom Maps AOE
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I: Rules inside TCM games

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I: Rules inside TCM games Empty I: Rules inside TCM games

Post by Lynn Wed 16 Feb - 6:05

Whenever a player wants to resign in a TCM players only custom game, he can pause and tell he resigns (in 2v2 only the 2nd player to resign is concerned) , note the necessary statistics, then he resigns during the pause and the victorious player unpauses, as the victorious player you have 3 minutes to trigger instantly the end game with a wincon or to pause the game, during this time you can make any mission points that can not be checked during a pause screen but only the mission points visible on the screenshot of the pause will be added except if you triggered the end game with a win condition. If the timing passed the noted pause's timing + 3min, you lose all mission points. If the players who wants to resigns does it instantly instead,no mission points are normally earned except, he gets 5000 de-fairness points and the victorious player gets 100 Legendary points and 5000 fairness points, if he is not a TCM member, you should pause the game yourself and proceed to what's written above (the victorious player's fairness and legendary points count in the tournament but not in the cap)

Whenever a player wants to resign in a TCM players only random map that includes a spectator that is still in the game at this moment,he can pause and tell he resigns (in 2v2 only the 2nd player to resign is concerned), then he asks both spectator/s and opponent/s to resign during the pause, then unpauses. If the players who wants to resigns does it instantly instead,no mission points are normally earned except, he gets 3000 de-fairness points and the victorious player gets 100 Legendary points and 3000 fairness points, these points are then reduced by the ratio of the lower ranks random maps (example: clown fiesta 10%), If there is non TCM players in, make sure that the spectators are spectating the TCM player/s or mission points are disabled. Avoid allowing spectators you don't trust.

- When nobody can end the game, players signal it and both players win the game.

Non TCM members do not lose the game by speeding up or pausing, it's your problem if you chose to play vs a troll who chain speeds up.   Crying or Very sad

- The first defeated player of each team can not earn or lose points, if you win while one of your team mate is defeated you can't earn any legendary point.
- Speed up & pause rules apply individually, you can not de-level or lose if your team mate spams speed and pauses, once again  it's your problem if you chose to play with or vs a non TCM troll who chain speeds up. Sad
-counting points in 2v2s : Players each proceed "did I win the game?" if the answer is yes for both, it does a total of 20 for each players.
- another example: p1 has a 20 villager score and p2 a 30 villager score, therefore both players gain 50 obelix each.
- This process only applies for missions that concern your statistics and things you control, mission concerning enemie's statistics or things they control is only applied once for the team.

If a player unpauses the pause of its opponent unintentionally by pausing almost at the same time, the first player pausing must pause asap and the other waits for it.
In formats with screen shots rules, players can pause up to 10 times, the 11th is -50% mission points and 12th the defeat.
In random maps extra pauses can be paid with a screen shoted tribute that has to be sent before the pause. (the pause can't exceed 1 minute past the tribute timing on the screenshot or the player is defeated.

In formats with points percentage, All de-level sources are reduced or increased by the foramt's percentage, the CAP stands the same.

AoE Personality :
- He agressively holds the positions that seem to give him the most bonuses.
- He tends to invade his opponent's territory.
- He has a good ranged units microgestion.
- His favorite maps are The holy forest and Hill.
Title Title : Yeti
Level Level : 77
Age : 29

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